No Place Like Norway

June 13 – 23, 2024 • 11 Days • $5375

Optional Land of the Midnight Sun Extension

June 23 – 29, 2024 • 7 Days • $3950

NOTE: This Adventure is currently FULL. Standby requests are accepted by clicking the CONTACT US button to the right.

From a standpoint of breathtaking panoramas, no other destination is more impressive than Norway. Pristine mountains, glistening glaciers, pounding waterfalls, mirror-smooth lakes, the Viking story, and seemingly endless vistas of unforgettable fjords make Norway a walking explorer’s delight!

Since 1991, we’ve been sharing the many delights of Norway and her compelling combination of stunning scenery and intriguing Viking history with our walking friends. After months of research in 2018 in collaboration with local partners, and 3 weeks of intense on-site exploration, we offered a completely revised Norway walking program to two groups of walkers in the summer of 2019!

We now offer a return to Norway with only minor adjustments to our 2019 itinerary, anticipating the glorious long days of Midsummer and the midnight sun above the Arctic Circle on the optional extension.

Overview / Trip Details

No Place Like Norway


  • All land travel by motorcoach as outlined
  • Coastal high-speed ferry from Bergen to Frøya island
  • Sheep farm visit in Northern Fjord area
  • Ferry across Northern Fjord
  • Ferry across Sognefjord from Mannheller to Fodnes
  • Superior tourist-class or better hotel accommodations
  • 19 meals: 10 breakfasts and an assortment of lunches and dinners as listed (BLD). Two lunches are picnics in remote locations with lunches packed from the hotel breakfast buffet.
  • 10 walks as listed
  • Fees for IVV credit for only the Oslo walk
  • Two WAI tour leaders throughout
  • Cultural and historical expertise of our national guide throughout
  • Tips for group meals and local guides/coach drivers
  • Pricing is based on double occupancy; single rooms are available for a supplement of $750

Activities / Visits to:

  • Viking Ship Museum – Nordfjordeid
  • Geiranger Sightseeing Ferry
  • Dalsnibba mountain toll road
  • Lake cruise after Lake Tsunami Memorial Walk
  • Sognefjell National Tourist Route
  • Jotunheimen National Park
  • Borgund Stave Church
  • Oslo Fjord pedestrian ferry
  • Fram Museum – Oslo
  • Kon Tiki Museum – Oslo
  • Guided walk in Oslo
  • More fun stops than we can list!

Optional Excursions:

  • Guided Bergen Walk with IVV stamp – Day 1
  • Jotunheimen National Park Ice Cave Walk – Day 6

Land of the Midnight Sun Extension


  • 2 mid-tour flights
  • All land travel as outlined
  • Ferry: Andøya island to Senja island
  • Ferry: Senja to Brensholmen (mainland)
  • Superior tourist-class or better hotel accommodations
  • 11 meals: 6 breakfasts and other lunches and dinners as listed (BLD)
  • 5 walks as listed NOTE: WAI is not able to provide IVV sanction or stamps for walks in Norway
  • WAI guide service throughout (2 guides)
  • Cultural and historical expertise of a national guide throughout
  • Tips for group meals and local guides/coach drivers
  • Pricing is based on double occupancy; single rooms are available for a supplement of $450.

Activities / Visits to:

  • Salmon farm tour
  • Andøya Norwegian Scenic Route
  • Bird and wildlife safari to Bleiksøya
  • Senja Norwegian Scenic Route
  • Cruise across Bergs Fjord
  • Sážža Senja Nature and Culture Center
  • Walking tour of Tromsø
  • Guided visit to Sami Museum in Tromsø University
  • Sami dinner and traditional evening (depending upon availability)
  • More fun stops than we can list!


Click on each day to reveal more details. (BLD) refers to meals included – Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

No Place Like Norway

Optional Beautiful Bergen Walk~ 8 km, rated 1B

Travelers arrive today in Beautiful Bergen. This historic city is situated directly on the North Sea and is a great strolling town with a plethora of wonderful seascapes. In the Middle Ages, it was a member of the Hanseatic League, a medieval, German-based trading consortium dominant throughout Northern Europe. Cod was the medieval Norwegian economic staple equivalent to today’s North Sea oil, and the Bryggen (wooden trading center) along the waterfront and the Hanseatic Museum are just a stone’s throw from our hotel.

Guided Bergen Walk: Because travelers arrive throughout the day, the first group activity is a Welcome Orientation this evening at our hotel, followed by dinner. Bergen has a host of activities and attractions to consider, however, so our normal practice of recommending an early arrival is definitely applicable to Bergen. A list of ideas will be provided well before the tour, but the activity offered by WAI is a walk through Bergen starting from our hotel (IVV sanction requested).

A local guide will help lead and give commentary on this route along the Bergen waterfront, through Gamle Bergen (old Bergen), past the fish market, into the 13th century Bergenhus Fortress, and amongst picturesque neighborhoods of wooden homes on the Nordnes peninsula. Estimated price: $50 per person.

Walk #1: Knutholmen Beach ~ 1.5 km, rated 2B
Walk #2: Frøya Island Walk ~ 5.6 km, rated 1A

Nowhere in the world is a coastline so indented by the geological phenomenon of fjords as in Norway! As a result, Norway’s coastline is one of the longest in the world relative to its land mass. Fingers of fjords reaching deep inland can make land travel complicated, and Norwegians have become among the world’s most prolific tunnel builders with a well-developed, complementary network of ferries.

But the fastest route north is by high-speed commuter ferry. We join locals on a scenic, four-hour ride along the fjords, stopping at small coastal communities enroute to Frøya island, our home for the night.

Upon arrival, we stretch our legs on a short walk through this small, photogenic fishing village built around a small harbor. After checking into the hotel, we bus to the other side of the island for an easy stroll along the shoreline with non-stop vistas over the North Sea.

Dinner tonight is at our hotel—an intriguing grouping of wooden heritage buildings repurposed into a charming hotel clustered along the fishing harbor of the village of Kalvåg.

Walk #3: Northern Fjord Hidden Valley Walk ~ 3 km, rated 1A
Walk #4: Davik Heritage Trail ~ 4 km, rated 2A

Today’s route takes us inland, winding along sections of huge Nordfjord (Northern Fjord) for our first walk of the day at the end of a hidden mountain valley. It’s an easy trail that features the lovely birch forests, rushing streams, oversized granite boulders, and mountain panoramas which will become a familiar part of the adventure.

After a break for a fun, outdoor lunch in the valley, our second walk starts at the home of our guide, Rogier, in the tiny fjord-side farming community of Davik. Rogier leads us through his sheep pasture then out onto country roads passing lovely 19th century farms in picturesque settings perched above expansive Nordfjord.

A ferry then takes us across Nordfjord to our final stop for the night in Nordfjordeid—the end of the fjord. Our last activity of the day is a fun and educational visit to a local Viking museum which was newly opened on our last visit in 2019.

Walk #5: Geiranger Postal Road Walk ~ 5 km, rated 4B

Lovely Geiranger Fjord has many faces. One of the most spectacular is best appreciated from a historic postal road built in the 1700s to cover a distance of about 700 kilometers between Trondheim and Bergen, the two largest cities in Norway at that time.

After one of the most invigorating and scenically stunning walks of the journey, we board a ferry to enjoy one of Norway’s most breathtakingly beautiful fjords from a different perspective, sailing down its lovely S-curve beneath looming cliffs and bursting waterfalls!

Driving out of Geiranger offers a plethora of stunning vantage points, one at each switchback. The afternoon route continues through more rugged mountain vistas, as well as a drive along placid Stryn Lake, for a two-night stay in the town of Stryn, perched at the terminus of another finger of the Nordfjord.

Walk #6: Lake Tsunami Memorial Walk~ 5 km, rated 2C

Our plan today takes us along a delightful gem of a lake to the site of not one but two tragic tsunamis. In 1905, and again in 1936, huge chunks of the mountain plunged into the lake and generated deadly tidal waves that wiped out two farming communities. Our trail is marked with poignant signboards telling the story of the destructive power of this surprising natural disaster of the fjords. On the high point of the trail, a cross marking the tragedy of 1905 was ripped from its bolted steel mount in solid rock by the wave of 1936.

At the end of the walk, we bus deeper into the valley to enjoy the spectacle of a sparkling glacier snaking down into this pristine valley while we enjoy a picnic lunch packed from this morning’s breakfast buffet.

Our return journey crosses these turquoise waters by lake cruiser; everything slows down when we go by boat, even a WAI adventure! Free time in Stryn precedes dinner together tonight at the hotel.

Today’s drive takes us past rugged high-mountain lakes and along a rushing river into the town of Lom. Stave churches are an architectural reminder of the period early in the last millennium when Vikings abandoned their pagan gods and embraced the new Christian faith. These picturesque wooden structures are unique to Norway. Because of their susceptibility to fire, less than 30 remain, one of them proudly perched in Lom.

We have an extended lunch break in Lom to enjoy this interesting little mountain town that also boasts a well-curated Norway Mountain Museum. The Norsk Fjellsenter chronicles life in these Norwegian heights and displays some of the 4000+ ancient Norwegians objects, more than half of ice-bound archeological finds worldwide, that have been discovered in the surrounding ice-covered elevations.

The afternoon offers a chance to relax at our lovely old mountain farm, converted into a hotel, in Jotunheimen National Park.

Alternatively, consider joining us to explore the heights of the national park in the company of a local guide. This is a slow, narrated, nature hike on boardwalks where we learn about the unique climate, geology, and human history of this region at the top of Norway (don’t worry – our highest point is just over 6000 feet). The highlight of the walk is a trek about 200 feet into an lit ice cave carved by a well-known Scandinavian sculptor. Estimated price: $75 per person.

Walk #7: Sognefjellet Mountain Valley Walk~ 8/10 km, rated 2B/3B

From our mountain lodge we ascend yet higher on route 55, the Sognefjell National Tourist Route, over the highest and most rugged mountain pass in northern Europe. We’ll take our time to enjoy dramatic panoramas en route to our walk of the day on the south side of the pass. The trail here showcases rugged mountain meadows, ending at a pounding waterfall. In good weather we’ll enjoy views of the peaks of Jotunheimen National Park.

After a picnic lunch, our bus carries us once more to sea level to navigate more fjordland beauty, this time along the shoreline of lovely Lustra Fjord, farthest inland of the fingers of massive Sognefjord, granddaddy of them all. We spend the evening in Sogndal, perched on yet another arm of Sognefjord, nicknamed “King of Fjords.”

Walk #8: King’s Road Hike~ 6 km, rated 3B
Walk #9: Postal Road Hike~ 3 km, rated 2B

After crossing the King of Fjords by ferry, the main event of the day is a challenging but delightful walk along the old King’s Road. The Kongevegen (King’s Road) was built in the 18th century by 1000s of workers as the main link between Eastern Norway and Western Norway. One hundred kilometers of road have been restored as a heritage hiking trail which was awarded the EU prize for Cultural Heritage in 2017. The section we’ve chosen follows the rushing Lærdalselva River and navigates some of the steepest and most beautiful sections of the road.

After a picnic lunch at the end of the King’s Road, travelers have the option to return to the start point on the opposite side of the river on the mid-19th century postal road or continue by bus to nearby Borgund Stave Church. The excellent visitor center there is the rendezvous point for the two groups.

This church was built near the end of the 12th century and is strikingly compact. Walkers are free to explore the visitor center and church or consider joining us for a 1 km hike to a much-photographed set of King’s Road switchbacks located just above the church.

As we leave fjord Norway, our final drive is a lovely stretch of highway through a different kind of scenery with loads of lakeside driving and a plethora of pastoral farm scenes.

We see a different side of Norway today as we cross forest and farmland landscapes to the capital city of Oslo.

After free time for lunch along Aker Brygge, Oslo’s colorful waterfront area, we board a fun little pedestrian ferry to cross Oslo Fjord. Our destination is two icons of Nordic seafaring heritage: the Fram Museum, showcasing the uniquely designed vessel sailed by Roald Amundsen to conquer the South Pole and the Kon Tiki Museum, chronicling the exploits of 20th century explorer Thor Heyerdahl, who proved that simple balsa wood boats could transit the world’s largest oceans.

We walk between the ferry dock and the museums, and you’ll be able to spend as much or little time in the museums as you wish, returning by ferry at your leisure. Dinner is on your own this evening at one of many options between the ferry and our hotel, located just off Oslo’s busy pedestrian zone.

Walk #10: Highlights of Oslo Walk~ 10 km, rated 1A

Today’s walk starts from our hotel and, after a stroll through the grounds of the Royal Palace, takes us through Frogner Park and the evocative, spectrum-of-life statuary of sculptor Gustav Vigeland. The route continues past Oslo Fjord marinas, winds through the water-front area of Aker Brygge, and enters medieval Akershus Fortress, where a visit to the Norway Resistance Museum (World War II) is highly recommended.

The afternoon is free to explore further on your own. Many of Oslo’s highlights, including the National Museum of Art, Architecture, and Design, the Norwegian History Museum, the waterfront, and an extensive pedestrian shopping zone, are all very near our hotel.

Join us this evening for a final dinner and a chance to reminisce about our journey together which has demonstrated the truth of the tour name, “No Place Like Norway”.

The adventure comes to a close this morning. Travelers are free to leave for the airport at their leisure; your WAI guide team will help batch travelers with similar flight times who would like to share a taxi.

Images of the stunning fjordland scenery of Norway will forever linger in our mind’s eye, inviting us to return and explore more of the history, scenery, and culture of this captivating Nordic nation at the top of the world. Thank you for joining us for No Place like Norway!

Land of the Midnight Sun Optional Extension

We say farewell to travelers heading home today and catch an early ride to Oslo Airport for our flight across the Arctic Circle! We arrive Harstad-Narvik Airport at 68.4886° North (the Arctic Circle is 65.8256°). Our Midnight Sun coach then takes us on a scenic drive to the Vesterålen Islands.

Following a stop for lunch in a local kro (inn), our first activity is a salmon farm visit for an educational and surprisingly entertaining introduction to Norway’s aggressive project to provide salmon to the world! Delicious Atlantic salmon is one of the gastronomic staples of any trip to Norway, and an informative and passionate “farm” manager explains the hi-tech process in three stages, including a boat ride out to one of the salmon pens.

We spend the evening in a typical Norwegian arctic town in anticipation of more Nordic splendor tomorrow.

Walk #1: Vesterålen Islands Walk~ 6 km, rated 2C

We leave the island of Langøya this morning en route to Andøya, northernmost island of the Vesterålen archipelago. Here, we follow the Andøya Norwegian Scenic Route, one of Norway’s 18 designated scenic routes. It leads us along the western edge of the island offering rugged North Sea panoramas punctuated by sawtooth mountain ridges jutting out into the sea.

Today’s walk starts in the tiny fishing community of Bleik, surrounded by a horseshoe formation of dramatic cliffs. Our trail courses along the beach, then winds through bushland between a series of small lakes with non-stop views of encircling mountains.

After free time at our hotel, we enjoy an early dinner followed by an evening bird and wildlife safari. The Gulf Stream brings a moderating influence to offshore Arctic waters, incubating food sources attractive to both whales and birds.

The primary attraction of the safari is the offshore island of Bleiksøya. In early summer, approximately 80,000 breeding pairs of puffins come here to nest. The island also attracts a variety of other seabirds as well as white-tailed eagles whose favorite prey is puffin! Whales, particularly orcas, are sometimes spotted in these waters.

Walk #2: Bergs Fjord Walk~ 4 km, rated 1B
Walk #3: Arctic Ocean Beach walk ~ 1.5 km, rated 1B
Lake Stor Midnight Sun Challenge Walk~ 5 km, rated 3D

An early start takes us by ferry across the And Fjord to Senja, Norway’s second largest island. Following the Senja Norwegian Scenic Route, we arrive at a lovely resort perched on a rocky point curving out into tropical-looking blues of the North Sea. Here, we board small boats to sail through a small archipelago set in Bergs Fjord.

The peninsula on which we land has one little-used road that serves as our trail to a dead-end at a tiny, remote hamlet—evoking yet another top-of-the-world sensation.

Dinner together back at our Nordic resort is an opportune time to reflect on the reality that what we are experiencing in the Arctic North is truly part of planet earth!

After-dinner activities reflect the recent midsummer Norwegian holiday and 24 hours of available daylight and feature a walk to a mountain lake which hosted the first hydropower station in Europe in 1882.

Walk #4: Sami Nature Walk ~ 4 km, rated 2B
Walk #5: Mefjord Walk~ 4 km, rated 2C

The Sami people have suffered the plight of many pastoral groups. Hunters first, then herders of reindeer, their way of life was ill-suited to the modern era. Thankfully, after decades of marginalization, the language and culture of the Sami (sometimes called Laplanders) have been protected and their ethnic identity is strengthening.

The bulk of the Sami population in Scandinavia lives farther east, spread over arctic Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia, but we hear the story of local Sami today at the Sážža Senja Nature and Culture Center, followed by a pleasant northern forest walk from the center.

This afternoon, the Senja Norwegian Scenic Route takes us farther north to another pinch-me-this-can’t-be-real setting for today’s walk. Another tiny fishing village at the end of the road is the start/finish, offering stunning views of fjords and mountain landscape.

We reconnect with the mainland by ferry en route to Tromsø, home of the northernmost university on the planet and, at a latitude of 69.65°, the highest point of our travels.

Relative to its size, the city of Tromsø has a surprisingly large footprint in the history of Norway. Its Norse and Sami heritage is ancient, but its influence in the modern age can be traced to rich fishing grounds here and the breaking of Bergen’s monopoly over the cod trade in the late 1700s.

By the end of the 19th century it was a major Arctic trade center and served as a productive training and recruiting ground for Norwegian polar explorers Fridtjof Nansen and Roald Amundsen (South Pole).

Tromsø’s link with education began with the 1848 teacher training college established to educate Sami scholars, continuing to the mid-20th century advent of Tromsø University, the city’s largest employer.

We embark in a walking tour of the city from our hotel this morning, followed by free time to stroll the interesting city center or explore museums such as The Polar Museum or the Polaria aquarium.

Late this afternoon, our final Sami experience begins with a guided visit of the Sami exhibits at the Tromsø Museum, then continues outside Tromsø to a Sami camp. Here we enjoy a traditional Sami dinner while reindeer herders share stories about about Sami culture, life as a reindeer herder, and a joik (traditional Sami folk song) performance.

NOTE: The Sami camp experience is dependent upon the nomadic schedule of the Sami due, in part, to the need to move reindeer herds to graze even further north than 69 degrees during summer months! For this reason, it is also not likely that we will see reindeer this far south in the summer.

Following several full days and long Midnight Sun evenings, this morning offers a slow start with time for a leisurely breakfast and perhaps some last minute shopping. Today’s schedule is determined by airline schedules for our flight back to Oslo.

Upon arrival at Oslo’s Gardermoen Airport, we overnight at an airport hotel to accommodate departures home tomorrow.

Travelers leave throughout the day—WAI guides will help batch those wishing to share taxis to nearby Oslo Gardermoen Airport.

What a unique opportunity to explore this fascinating region of Norway above the Arctic Circle, the Land of the Midnight Sun. We return to North America enriched by the history, culture, and especially the natural wonders of Norway!

Before You Book

Click on each heading for more details.

To register, a non-refundable $300 deposit is required to hold your spot. A final payment is due 90 days before departure and is non-refundable after the due date. You will receive a prompt email from us 2 to 3 weeks in advance.

Soon after registration, an “Adventure Advice” email will be sent with critical information on flight arrangements as well as important steps to take in the months before your trip. Please do not buy your airline tickets until you review this Adventure Advice email.

Please follow this link to read our full General Tour Conditions.

With help from local experts and walking guides, these itineraries are hand-crafted with the help of trusted in-country partners to tailor itineraries to WAI specifications.

When planning Classic Curated Tours, our objective is to capture the essence of a destination–the history, culture, and natural wonders unique to that part of the world. We then build activities and walks that take us inside these characteristics.

Yes, these tours are educational, but they are also interactive and immersive; walking gets us off the bus and penetrates local cultures to not only see but touch, smell, and feel these special spaces.

Along the way, local walking guides amplify the experience by sharing insights into the magic of that particular location.

In the case of Norway, we shared the many delights of this Nordic nation with our walking friends many times since 1991. Then, in 2018, after months of research in collaboration with local partners, and 3 weeks of intense on-site exploration, we offered a completely revised Norway walking program to two groups of walkers in the summer of 2019!

The 2024 edition of this Adventure is the outcome of these many years of experience in Norway.

We generally walk at a pace of 2 to 3 miles per hour. Walks that are oriented more towards education may take longer due to stops for guide commentary. Nature walks, on the other hand, generally continue at a steadier pace because we’re stopping less to talk.In most cases, we are not “strolling.” We are walking at a relaxed but steady pace. Your experience will be significantly affected by your level of physical fitness. If not walking regularly at home, we strongly recommend that you make a priority of “training” beforehand to both enjoy the trip and avoid medical issues due to overexertion.

If you have questions about your ability to participate, please contact our office at [email protected].

We have adopted a walk difficulty rating system which contains a numeric indicator for trail incline and an alpha indicator for trail terrain. The explanation for this system is presented on the table below:


1. Minimal hills or stair climbing. Cumulative elevation gain: <200 feet.
2. Some moderate hills and stair climbing. Cumulative elevation gain: 200-1000 feet.
3. Some significant hill or stair climbing. Cumulative elevation gain: 1000-2000 feet.


A. Almost entirely on pavement.
B. A significant part of the route is on well-groomed trails with very few obstacles.
C. A significant part of the route is on somewhat difficult terrain (rocky / rooted paths or soft sand).

NOTE: Only two of the walks featured on this tour are IVV sanctioned and offer the IVV walk stamps, Bergen and Oslo. Bergen is offered on the pre-day (June13) and Oslo on the last full day of the main tour (June 22). Other walk routes were established by WAI planners in conjunction with local partners. IVV clubs and walks are not offered in these other walk venues.

The official tour start point is our hotel in Bergen, Norway served by Bergen Airport (BGO). The finish point for both the No Place Like Norway main tour and the optional Land of the Midnight Sun Extension is our hotel in Oslo, served by Oslo Airport, Gardermoen (OSL).

We recommend that you contact Laura Pfahler, the travel agent we work with, to help book your flight arrangements. In this age of airfare complications and airport uncertainty, using a travel agent is a good investment!

More details about flight arrangements and travel agent contact information will be provided in an Adventure Advice PDF by email after you register for the Adventure.  Please do not book your airfare prior to receiving these flight details from us!

WAI believes strongly in the importance of travel insurance for financial and medical protection from any number of unforeseen circumstances that can arise before departure or during your Adventure. Many travel insurance providers are available for you to consider. Laura Pfahler and Sharon Mitchell of World Travel Inc. are travel agents who provides air travel and insurance services to many WAI travelers.

Laura Pfahler: 503-434-6401 or [email protected]
Sharon Mitchell: 971-261-2091 or [email protected]

Check out Insurance Tips from World Travel for a short introduction to travel insurance. (NOTE: WAI receives no commission or financial remuneration from World Travel Inc.).

Be aware that some travel insurance policies contain time-sensitive provisions (i.e. some benefits, such as coverage of pre-existing conditions, are available only if the policy is purchased within a certain number of days of the purchase of the travel package). In addition, remember that airfare is not covered by any travel insurance policy you may have purchased for the tour.

As always, do some shopping to ensure you are getting the best value. Using the website can be a good way to compare pricing.

Other options include:

  • Allianz
  • Betins
  • Travel Guard
  • Travel Insured International

WAI bears no responsibility for travel insurance benefits advertised by various credit card companies. If you are relying on this type of benefit for insurance, we advise you to verify coverage types and limits and that your purchase does in fact qualify you for this insurance.

NOTE: We suggest purchasing from a reputable, well-established insurance company (avoid buying insurance from an unknown company found only online). Travelers interested in purchasing “cancel for any reason” insurance coverage should be careful to check pricing and terms BEFORE they register for a tour. Recent changes in the international travel landscape has caused changes in the policies of some insurance companies, and made the purchase of this particular type of policy even more time-sensitive.

As of mid-2023, world economic conditions for 2024, when this tour operates, are unpredictable. We see multiple indications, however, that prices are increasing at higher-than-normal rates and that the relative value of the US dollar against foreign currencies is fluctuating downward. This is clearly the case in Norway.

Travel partners are warning us that subsequent price increases may be needed. We, therefore, need to pass this warning along to our travelers… a price increase for this tour could be announced no later than 90 days before the tour, the date of final payment. Our anticipation is that we would warn and clarify about any such increase well in advance of this 90-day window.

Price stability has always been a challenge in the world of travel when pricing a service 8 to 12 months before the service is rendered, especially when operating in international settings. The post-covid, post-lockdown era continues to require adjustments to anticipated and unanticipated consequences of this unprecedented time in world history.

WAI has done our best to shield travelers from these ever-present uncertainties throughout our history. At present, we need to be transparent that our ability to anticipate and absorb such increases may be stretched in 2024. As always, we will do our best to be creative and transparent and represent our travelers in the best way possible.

Walking Adventures International reserves the right to cancel this tour departure with fewer than 15 participants, in which case registered participants will receive a 100% refund of payments received.

This refund policy contains one exclusion. Many suppliers require non-refundable deposits as a condition of booking services. Though it is rare, unforeseen circumstances can force us to cancel a tour. In cases where supplier’s non-refundable policies are imposed, WAI attempts to retrieve as much of these deposits as possible but cannot guarantee a 100% refund. In cases where full refunds cannot be obtained for a cancelled tour, we will do our best to transfer unrefunded money as traveler credits to be applied to a future tour to that destination.

Our approach to wellness on tour has traditionally been to encourage travelers to:

  • Focus on health before the tour so you start healthy.
  • Pace yourself while on tour; travel is inherently stimulating and can produce adrenalin boosts that mask energy drain. Guard your energy reserves and consider the length of the trip and whether to opt out of some activities and/or walks.
  • Be self-aware. If you feel yourself tiring or feel a bug coming on, take precautions to block it (e.g. extra rest, extra doses of vitamin C, etc).
  • If you feel a bug coming on or if you take ill, distance yourself from others when possible.
  • If you feel ill, isolate yourself towards the back of the bus and away from others and please wear a mask.

Click WAI Wellness on Tour Policy to view the WAI policy on Wellness on Tour.

Soon after registration, an “Adventure Advice” email will be sent with critical information on flight arrangements as well as important steps to take in the months before your trip. Please do not buy your airline tickets until you review this Adventure Advice email.

A final payment is due 90 days before departure (March 15, 2024) and is non-refundable after the due date. You will receive a prompt email from us a week or two in advance. Please see our General Tour Conditions for the full terms and conditions for participation in this Adventure.

Around 2-3 weeks before departure, you will receive a final email packet with details of the program, including hotel names and contact information, a list of fellow travelers, and a more detailed daily schedule.

Take a few minutes to peruse the above itinerary. Norway is a magical place. It is difficult to overstate the wonder of the natural beauty. Join us to discover the truth of the statement that there is No Place like Norway!

Norway Map

Adventure Pace

Tour Pace: 1 2 3 4 5
Walk Challenge: 1 2 3 4 5

About Adventure Pace

Important Info

Your Guides

Roger and Jana Dorway have always appreciated the experiential, paradigm-expanding value of travel, and have been privileged to explore destinations on 5 continents.

Roger’s business background connecting buyers and sellers, and Jana’s career as a teacher provide this couple with a gift for connecting with people.

Retiring a few years ago has only increased their appetite for discovering more of the world, largely satiated by sharing natural wonders and cultural and historical insights as part of the WAI guide team.

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No Place Like Norway 2024