Are the British Isles Really British?

September 17, 2022
September 17, 2022 by Dan Friesen WAI is excited to offer 3 tours that visit the storied British Isles in 2023. In July, we’re in Ireland; in August, were… Read More

Queen Elizabeth II: A Reflection on Old World Traditions and New World Candor

September 10, 2022
by Dan Friesen Part 1 of a multi-part series In the past 48 hours, volumes have already been said, written, and recorded in video on the life of Queen Elizabeth… Read More

Did the Irish Really Save Civilization?

September 2, 2022
  by Dan Friesen In 2003, I spent three weeks circumnavigating the island of Ireland on the initial WAI scouting trip. As usual when visiting a place for the first… Read More

Mosquito River: Getting the Bugs Out in Tanzania ~ Part 2

August 18, 2022
The blog below was written during the 2013 planning trip I took with Scott Isom to Kenya and Tanzania. One of our primary objectives during in-country scouting trips is to… Read More

Mosquito River: Getting the Bugs Out in Tanzania

August 12, 2022
The blog below was written during the 2013 planning trip I took with Scott Isom to Kenya and Tanzania. One of our primary objectives during in-country scouting trips is to… Read More

Navajo Code Talkers of World War II

August 6, 2022
The idea to use the Navajo language for secure communications originated with Philip Johnston, the son of missionaries to the Navajos and one of the few non-Navajos who spoke the… Read More

Navajo Nation

August 5, 2022
With 25,000 square miles spanning 3 states, the Navajo Nation is the largest Indian reservation in the United States, approximately the size of the state of West Virginia. By population,… Read More

Survival Tips for Driving in Cornwall & Wales

July 30, 2022
Saturday, August 15, 2015 By Dan Friesen I just returned today from Cornwall and Wales; friend and fellow guide Scott Burk was with me for the first two weeks of… Read More